Social Action
Our social action includes both sports sponsorship and the real involvement of people with disabilities in the company's production processes.
Commitment to the mentally handicapped.
Active collaboration with Asprosub Benavente (Zamora), an association created for the protection, education and job placement of people with intellectual disabilities.
Support for sport.
The commitment of Quesos El Pastor With sport and its values, it encompasses different disciplines such as cycling, triathlon or motocross, for example. In addition, he has achieved notable successes with the Benavente Taekwondo Club Quesos El Pastor, with a track record in which the Champions of Castilla and León by teams, senior, junior, cadet and child categories stand out in 2017; Champions of Castilla y León de Poomsaes for adult and child teams; Spanish Club Championship: two golds, two silver and five bronzes; La Rioja International Championship, first by teams; Castilla y León International Open, first by children's category teams. In 2018, Champions of Castilla y León senior, junior, cadet and child; Open Ciudade de La Coruña, first by category teams.